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VR3Mesh Class Reference

The mesh class. More...

#include <VR3Mesh.h>

Collaboration diagram for VR3Mesh:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


struct  Subset
 Subset data structure. More...
struct  UniformCache
 Uniform cache data structure. More...

Public Member Functions

 VR3Mesh (const char *file_name, const char *mesh_name=0, int objID=-1)
 Constructor of the class.
Destroying Function
void Destroy ()
 Pseudo-Destructor for the VR3Mesh Class.
Get and Set Functions
void Hide (int id)
 Hides a single subset.
void HideAll ()
 Hides all subsets.
void Unhide (int id)
 Unhides a single subset.
void UnhideAll ()
 Unhides all subsets.
bool IsHidden (int id)
 Checks if a subset is hidden.
VR3MaterialGetSubsetMaterial (int id)
 Gets the current material of a subset.
void ForceSubsetMaterial (VR3Material *material, int id)
 Sets the current material of a subset.
VR3MaterialGetMaterial ()
 Gets the mesh current material (first subset material)
void ForceMaterial (VR3Material *material)
 Sets the mesh current material.
int GetID ()
 Gets the ID of the mesh.
const char * GetName ()
 Gets the name of the mesh.
const char * GetFileName ()
 Gets the name of the file the mesh was extracted from.

Private Member Functions

 VR3Mesh (const VR3Mesh &)
 Disable default copy constructor.
VR3Meshoperator= (const VR3Mesh &)
 Disable default assignment operator.
void LoadUniformsStdMesh (const GLfloat *modelmat, const GLint *unilocs, int flags, bool lightmap)
 Loads mesh-specific uniforms.
void ComputeUniformsStdMesh (const GLfloat *modelmat, int flags)
 Computes mesh-specific uniform values.
VAO and VBOs Preparation Functions
void PrepareVerticesVBOs ()
 Prepares the vertices VBOs (in the GL server memory)
void PrepareNormalsVBOs ()
 Prepares the normals VBOs (in the GL server memory)
void PrepareDiffuseTexCoordVBOs ()
 Prepares the diffuse texture coordinates VBOs (in the GL server memory)
void PrepareLightMapCoordVBOs ()
 Prepares the light map texture coordinates VBOs (in the GL server memory)
void PrepareNormalMapCoordVBOs ()
 Prepares the normal map texture coordinates VBOs (in the GL server memory)
void PrepareDisplacementMapCoordVBOs ()
 Prepares the displacement map texture coordinates VBOs (in the GL server memory)
Subset Specific Standard Uniforms Initialization

The following set of functions is used to load some of uniform variables of the standard rendering shader used to render the mesh. The function used depends on the four rendering flags state in the single subset: fl_difftex, fl_lightmap, fl_normmap and fl_dispmap. The effectively used function may be different between subsets of the same mesh, this happens because subsets do not usually share the same material. Even if the rendering flags have the same state among all subsets of the mesh, one of this function will have to be called each time a subset is drawn because material parameters may change. The uniform loaded in these functions are always subset-specific.


  • [in] sub The subset we are drawing
void LoadUniformsSubsetFFFF (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (false - false - false - false)
void LoadUniformsSubsetTFFF (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (true - false - false - false)
void LoadUniformsSubsetFTFF (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (false - true - false - false)
void LoadUniformsSubsetTTFF (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (true - true - false - false)
void LoadUniformsSubsetFFTF (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (false - false - true - false)
void LoadUniformsSubsetTFTF (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (true - false - true - false)
void LoadUniformsSubsetFFTT (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (false - false - true - true)
void LoadUniformsSubsetFTFT (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (false - true - false - true)
void LoadUniformsSubsetTFTT (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (true - false - true - true)
void LoadUniformsSubsetTTFT (const Subset *sub)
 flags = (true - true - false - true)
External Uniform Initialization Function
void LoadUniformsExtMesh (const GLfloat *modelmat, const GLint *unilocs)
 Loads external shader uniforms relative to the whole mesh.
void LoadUniformsExtSubset (const Subset *sub, const GLint *unilocs)
 Loads external shader uniforms relavite to a single subset.
Shadow map Uniform Initialization
void LoadUniformsShadowMap (const GLfloat *modelmat)
 Loads shadow map uniforms.
Visibility Testing Function
bool VisibilityTest (const GLfloat *modelmat, int flags)
 Checks if a mesh is visible.
 ~VR3Mesh ()
 Destructor of the class.
Function Pointer Selection Function
void LoadUniformLoader (Subset *sub)
 Selects the correct function pointer to use when loading uniforms.

Private Attributes

struct VR3Mesh::UniformCache m_unicache
 Subsets for the current mesh.
int m_subset_count
 Number of subsets in the mesh.
int m_all_light_mapped
 Light mapped only mesh flag.
Geometric Data
GLint m_vertex_count
 Total number of vertices.
GLfloat * m_vertices
 The array of vertices (m_vertex_count*3 GLfloats)
GLint m_tex_coord_count
 Total number of texture vertices.
GLfloat * m_tex_coords
 The array of texture vertices (m_tex_coord_count*2 GLfloats)
GLint m_tri_count
 Total number of triangles.
GLint * m_ver_indices
 The array of triangle vertex indices (m_tri_count*3 GLints)
bool m_smgroups_enabled
 Smoothing Groups enabled flag.
GLint m_smgroup_count
 Number of different smoothing groups.
GLint * m_smgroups
 Array of smoothing groups numbers (m_tri_count GLints)
Displacement map application parameters
GLfloat m_BI
 Object bias for displacement mapping (may be unused)
GLfloat m_SC
 Object scale for bump displacement (may be unused)
GLint m_TF
 Object tessellation factor for displacement mapping (may be unused)
Bounding Box
GLfloat m_bounding_box [6]
 Bounding box of the mesh (minx - maxx - miny - maxy - minz - maxz)
GLfloat m_bbox_vertices [8][3]
 Bounding box vertices in object coordinates.
Mesh File Parameters
std::string m_meshfile
 Name of the file the mesh was loaded from (absolute path)
std::string m_name
 Name of the mesh object, extracted from the file.
int m_ID
 ID of the mesh extracted from the file.


class VR3MeshManager
 Friend class VR3MeshManager to access all private data members and the destructor.
class VR3PhysicsSimulator
 Friend class VR3PhysicsSimulator to access the mesh file informations.
class VR3Obj
 Friend class VR3Obj to access the draw method, the bounding box and the file name.

Drawing Functions

void Draw (const GLfloat *modelmat, int flags)
 Real drawing method.
void Draw (int flags=0)
 Draws the mesh.

Detailed Description

The mesh class.

The VR3Mesh class implements the functionalities related to the polygonal meshes which are contained in files in AAM format. The class offers a reduced set of functionalites. A bounding box is associated to every mesh. It is automatically used to perform visibility evaluations, but it can also be directly used for other specific purposes.

A mesh is composed of one or more subsets, a subset is a set of triangles which share the same material (and therefore textures). Each subset needs to be drawn using a shader capable of managing all the subset material features (a shader used for a subset may therefore differ from the shader used for another subset of the same object). A subset is identified (from the user's point of view) with an integer ID going from 0 to the number of available subsets -1. Those progressive IDs are assigned to the subsets depending on the order they are encountered in during the parsing of the mesh file (at least for AAM files).

When dealing with transparent meshes, the user must be aware that, because depth testing is enabled by default in the VR3Lib, subsets may not show correctly behind transparent subsets (depending on the subset drawing order). Subsets are always drawn in the order they are read from the AAM as if they were a unique stream of triangles (but not sharing the same materials). The user must handle manually all transparency-related issues, perhaps by using separate objects drawn in arbitrary order. Please note that use of depth-sorting may improve the behaviour in case of transparencies, but sorting the mesh subsets with reference to the distance from the center of their bounding box and the camera is not a complete solution because unexpected situations may always arise. A complete solution can be obtained only by sorting the single polygons using a depth sorting algorithm and by managing some particular situations as special cases. This is not handled automatically by the VR3Lib.

Definition at line 59 of file VR3Mesh.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VR3Mesh::VR3Mesh ( const VR3Mesh  ) [private]

Disable default copy constructor.

VR3Mesh::~VR3Mesh (  ) [private]

Destructor of the class.

Deletes a VR3Mesh object. This is a private destructor because a VR3Mesh object may only be deleted by the VR3MeshManager static module, this will happen when the number of references to this mesh object drops to 0.

VR3Mesh::VR3Mesh ( const char *  file_name,
const char *  mesh_name = 0,
int  objID = -1 

Constructor of the class.

Creates a new VR3Mesh object and initializes the object by loading the mesh file specified through file_name. Currently, only AAM files are supported. The mesh_name specifies which object to load from the AAM file (perhaps representing the whole scene). The ID may be used to identify the desired object as well. If no objID or name is specified, the first object read in the file will be loaded. To specify a null name value but explicitly specify the desired objID, a name of 0 must be passed to the function (NULL).

[in]file_nameThe name of the mesh file to load
[in]mesh_nameThe name of the object to load from the file
[in]objIDObject ID of the desired object in the AAM file

Member Function Documentation

void VR3Mesh::ComputeUniformsStdMesh ( const GLfloat *  modelmat,
int  flags 
) [private]

Computes mesh-specific uniform values.

Some uniform parameters does not change during rendering of a single mesh, even if they may be loaded to shaders multiple times due to shader program swap during subsets rendering. This function is used at the beginning of the mesh rendering when using built-in shader programs. Uniform values are stored in a uniform cache (m_unicache) and extracted from there and loaded when a new shader program becomes the used one. The rendering flags are used to understand if its necessary to compute shadow mapping-related uniforms or not.

[in]modelmatThe resulting modeling matrix for the VR3Obj
[in]flagsMesh rendering flags
void VR3Mesh::Destroy (  )

Pseudo-Destructor for the VR3Mesh Class.

When a dynamic instance of the VR3Mesh class is not used anymore by the programmer or by a VR3Obj instace, we cannot delete the whole dynamic instance. Other entities may be using the object in dynamic memory and the only thing we must do is call the Destroy() functions in order to notify the VR3MeshManager that a reference to a mesh object has been deleted. If the mesh is to be deleted, the VR3MeshManager will do that.

void VR3Mesh::Draw ( const GLfloat *  modelmat,
int  flags 
) [private]

Real drawing method.

This method is directly called by the VR3Obj::Draw(const GLfloat* modelmat) private method, and performs the effective rendering. Notice that the resulting modeling matrix must be passed as parameter, while the resulting projection and viewing matrix is easily obtained from the currently active scene. Both matrices refer to the last time one of the VR3Scene::Begin() functions has been called.

[in]modelmatThe transformations final modeling matrix
[in]flagsDraw flags
void VR3Mesh::Draw ( int  flags = 0 )

Draws the mesh.

This function may be called as the VR3Obj::Draw() method is, and simply draws this single mesh (obviously without any modeling transformation). It is recommended to use the VR3Obj::draw() method.

[in]flagsDraw flags
void VR3Mesh::ForceMaterial ( VR3Material material )

Sets the mesh current material.

The user may force the material of a mesh object even if different from the materials recovered from the file the mesh was loaded from. This function effectively changes the material for all subsets in the mesh. This function notifies the VR3MaterialManager static module that new references to the material are now active and also notifies the VR3MaterialManager that the references to the old materials have been lost due to the user forcing the material.

[in]materialThe material to apply
void VR3Mesh::ForceSubsetMaterial ( VR3Material material,
int  id 

Sets the current material of a subset.

The user may force the material of a subset in themesh object even if different from the materials recovered from the file the mesh was loaded from. The material of a subset may be changed by specifying its particular subset id. This function notifies the VR3MaterialManager static module that a new reference to the material is active if the subset was found and also notifies the VR3MaterialManager that the reference to the old material have been lost due to the user forcing the material.

[in]materialThe material to apply
[in]idThe id of the subset to force (by default we force the material of subset 0)
const char* VR3Mesh::GetFileName (  ) [inline]

Gets the name of the file the mesh was extracted from.

This function may be used to retrieve the file name of the file the mesh was extracted from. Many different meshes from the same file may be loaded. The retrieved file name is the absolute path to the file.

The name of the mesh file (this pointer is only valid until the mesh object is destroyed)

Definition at line 730 of file VR3Mesh.h.

int VR3Mesh::GetID (  ) [inline]

Gets the ID of the mesh.

This function may be used to retrieve the mesh ID that identifies the mesh in the mesh file it was extracted from.

The ID of the mesh

Definition at line 706 of file VR3Mesh.h.

VR3Material* VR3Mesh::GetMaterial (  )

Gets the mesh current material (first subset material)

This function simply returns the material of the first subset in the mesh, it is useful when dealing with plain meshes with no multimaterials because the user may not deal with subset ids. The VR3MaterialManager is notified about the creation and deletion of material references.

The first subset material
const char* VR3Mesh::GetName (  ) [inline]

Gets the name of the mesh.

This function may be used to retrieve the mesh name in the file it was extracted from. Mesh names are not unique and only IDs may be used to identify a mesh in a particular file (but not across files).

The name of the mesh (this pointer is only valid until the mesh object is destroyed)

Definition at line 718 of file VR3Mesh.h.

VR3Material* VR3Mesh::GetSubsetMaterial ( int  id )

Gets the current material of a subset.

A VR3Mesh object only may have more than one material (different for each subset) the user may obtain one of these material by using this function. This function is used to provide the user a reference to the material of the mesh. Be aware that this operation effectively means that a new reference to the material is now active. When the user has finished with this reference (even if it has used it in other meshes), the VR3Material::Destroy() function should be called.

idThe subset id of the subset whose material we want to obtain (by default we look for the material of subset 0)
The current subset material
void VR3Mesh::Hide ( int  id )

Hides a single subset.

Single subsets may be hidden using this function.

[in]idThe ID of the subset to hide
void VR3Mesh::HideAll (  )

Hides all subsets.

Hides all subsets in the mesh.

bool VR3Mesh::IsHidden ( int  id )

Checks if a subset is hidden.

Checks if a single subset is hidden.

[in]idThe ID of the subset to check
true if the subset is hidden, false otherways (a warning is notified if the subset was not found)
void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformLoader ( Subset sub ) [private]

Selects the correct function pointer to use when loading uniforms.

When loading uniform values for a standard shader (not a user-defined one, one of the functions from the Standard Uniform Initialization group must be chosen depending on the rendering flag. This function takes care of choosing the correct function to use depending on the material properties of the received subset and assigning it to the sub->loadunifunc pointer.

[in,out]subThe reference to the subset where to write the uniform loader
void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsExtMesh ( const GLfloat *  modelmat,
const GLint *  unilocs 
) [private]

Loads external shader uniforms relative to the whole mesh.

If an external user-defined shader is in use at rendering time, the default standard shader associated with the mesh is ignored and all rendering takes place as demanded by the user. In an external shader the user may declare some standard uniform parameters to receive data about the mesh that are being rendered. This effectively allows the user to render complex scenes with its shaders using the information loaded from the mesh files. This function is called only once at the beginning of the mesh rendering because all passed parameters won't change between subsets.

[in]modelmatThe resulting modeling matrix for the VR3Obj
[in]unilocsThe program uniform locations (for standard uniforms)
void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsExtSubset ( const Subset sub,
const GLint *  unilocs 
) [private]

Loads external shader uniforms relavite to a single subset.

If an external user-defined shader is in use at rendering time, the default standard shader associated with the mesh is ignored and all rendering takes place as demanded by the user. In an external shader the user may declare some standard uniform parameters to receive data about the mesh that are being rendered. This effectively allows the user to render complex scenes with its shaders using the information loaded from the mesh files. This function is called once for each subset because the data passed to the GL are in this case material-dependent (i.e. subset-dependent).

[in]subThe subset we are drawing with the external shader
[in]unilocsThe program uniform locations (for standard uniforms)
void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsShadowMap ( const GLfloat *  modelmat ) [private]

Loads shadow map uniforms.

When a shadow map is being rendered (the VR3DRAWFL_SHADOWMAP draw flag is active) a particular and very simple shader program is used. That program is made active before drawing all the meshes, but we have to pass some uniform here, when rendering the mesh.

[in]modelmatThe resulting modeling matrix
void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsStdMesh ( const GLfloat *  modelmat,
const GLint *  unilocs,
int  flags,
bool  lightmap 
) [private]

Loads mesh-specific uniforms.

This function is used to load mesh-specific uniforms that are constant during the whole mesh rendering. This function is called only when a new shader program is activated (therefore potentially it may be called just once per mesh). During subset rendering (if the shader program does not change) we need not to call this function because the previously loaded mesh-specific uniforms are still valid. The data loaded in the uniform locations is gathered from the uniform cache and only from there (computed at the beginning of the mesh rendering with standard shader programs). The rendering flags are used to understand if its necessary to pass shadow mapping-related uniforms or not.

[in]modelmatThe resulting modeling matrix for the VR3Obj
[in]unilocsThe program uniform locations
[in]flagsMesh drawing flags
[in]lightmapFlag stating if the shader we just made active uses light mapping as lighting method
void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetFFFF ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (false - false - false - false)

void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetFFTF ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (false - false - true - false)

void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetFFTT ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (false - false - true - true)

void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetFTFF ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (false - true - false - false)

void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetFTFT ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (false - true - false - true)

void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetTFFF ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (true - false - false - false)

void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetTFTF ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (true - false - true - false)

void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetTFTT ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (true - false - true - true)

void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetTTFF ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (true - true - false - false)

void VR3Mesh::LoadUniformsSubsetTTFT ( const Subset sub ) [private]

flags = (true - true - false - true)

VR3Mesh& VR3Mesh::operator= ( const VR3Mesh  ) [private]

Disable default assignment operator.

void VR3Mesh::PrepareDiffuseTexCoordVBOs (  ) [private]

Prepares the diffuse texture coordinates VBOs (in the GL server memory)

Using the data written upon mesh loading from file, the diffuse texture coordinates VBOs (one for each subset having a diffuse texture) are filled with diffuse coordinate data. We use unindexed rendering and the resulting VBOs will be sequences of texture coordinates, we'll have data for each vertex of each triangle.

void VR3Mesh::PrepareDisplacementMapCoordVBOs (  ) [private]

Prepares the displacement map texture coordinates VBOs (in the GL server memory)

Using the data written upon mesh loading from file, the displacement map coordinates VBOs (one for each subset having a displacement map) are filled with displacement map coordinate data. We use unindexed rendering and the resulting VBOs will be sequences of texture coordinates, we'll have data for each vertex of each triangle.

void VR3Mesh::PrepareLightMapCoordVBOs (  ) [private]

Prepares the light map texture coordinates VBOs (in the GL server memory)

Using the data written upon mesh loading from file, the light map coordinates VBOs (one for each subset having a light map) are filled with light map coordinate data. We use unindexed rendering and the resulting VBOs will be sequences of texture coordinates, we'll have data for each vertex of each triangle.

void VR3Mesh::PrepareNormalMapCoordVBOs (  ) [private]

Prepares the normal map texture coordinates VBOs (in the GL server memory)

Using the data written upon mesh loading from file, the normal map coordinates VBOs (one for each subset having a normal map) are filled with normal map coordinate data. We use unindexed rendering and the resulting VBOs will be sequences of texture coordinates, we'll have data for each vertex of each triangle.

void VR3Mesh::PrepareNormalsVBOs (  ) [private]

Prepares the normals VBOs (in the GL server memory)

Using the data written upon mesh loading from file, the normals VBOs (one for each subset) are filled with vertices normal data. We use unindexed rendering and the resulting VBOs will be sequences of vertex normals, we'll have data for each vertex of each triangle.

void VR3Mesh::PrepareVerticesVBOs (  ) [private]

Prepares the vertices VBOs (in the GL server memory)

Using the data written upon mesh loading from file, the vertices VBOs (one for each subset) are filled with vertices position data. We use unindexed rendering and the resulting VBOs will be sequences of vertex positions, we'll have data for each vertex of each triangle.

void VR3Mesh::Unhide ( int  id )

Unhides a single subset.

Specifies a single subset to make visible.

[in]idThe ID of the subset to unhide
void VR3Mesh::UnhideAll (  )

Unhides all subsets.

Unhides all subsets in the mesh.

bool VR3Mesh::VisibilityTest ( const GLfloat *  modelmat,
int  flags 
) [private]

Checks if a mesh is visible.

During rendering, a mesh visibility test takes place in order to figure out if the mesh effectively needs to be drawn. The test will always succeed if view frustum culling is disabled in the scene and the mesh will always be drawn. In this case, invisible meshes will be clipped only after vertex and geometry processing and therefore we may have a significant waste of time (limiting frame rate). We use a low-cost test based on the mesh bounding box that is completely safe but may return true even on some meshes that are not visibile. This visibility test takes place also when rendering the shadow map: we'll try to cull meshes outside the shadow source viewing volume.

[in]flagsThe draw flags received in the Draw() call
[in]modelmatThe resulting modeling matrix
false is the mesh is to be culled, true if it weren't possible to determine if the mesh is visible.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class VR3MeshManager [friend]

Friend class VR3MeshManager to access all private data members and the destructor.

Definition at line 61 of file VR3Mesh.h.

friend class VR3Obj [friend]

Friend class VR3Obj to access the draw method, the bounding box and the file name.

Definition at line 65 of file VR3Mesh.h.

friend class VR3PhysicsSimulator [friend]

Friend class VR3PhysicsSimulator to access the mesh file informations.

Definition at line 63 of file VR3Mesh.h.

Member Data Documentation

Light mapped only mesh flag.

When a mesh only has subsets using light mapping, many uniform parameters may not be computed during rendering. This flag states if the mesh has a light map on all subsets.

Definition at line 188 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLfloat VR3Mesh::m_bbox_vertices[8][3] [private]

Bounding box vertices in object coordinates.

vfvertices[0] = minx - miny - minz vfvertices[1] = maxx - miny - minz vfvertices[2] = minx - maxy - minz vfvertices[3] = minx - miny - maxz vfvertices[4] = maxx - maxy - minz vfvertices[5] = maxx - miny - maxx vfvertices[6] = minx - maxy - maxz vfvertices[7] = maxx - maxy - maxz

Definition at line 245 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLfloat VR3Mesh::m_BI [private]

Object bias for displacement mapping (may be unused)

Definition at line 222 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLfloat VR3Mesh::m_bounding_box[6] [private]

Bounding box of the mesh (minx - maxx - miny - maxy - minz - maxz)

Definition at line 234 of file VR3Mesh.h.

int VR3Mesh::m_ID [private]

ID of the mesh extracted from the file.

Definition at line 257 of file VR3Mesh.h.

std::string VR3Mesh::m_meshfile [private]

Name of the file the mesh was loaded from (absolute path)

Definition at line 253 of file VR3Mesh.h.

std::string VR3Mesh::m_name [private]

Name of the mesh object, extracted from the file.

Definition at line 255 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLfloat VR3Mesh::m_SC [private]

Object scale for bump displacement (may be unused)

Definition at line 224 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLint VR3Mesh::m_smgroup_count [private]

Number of different smoothing groups.

Definition at line 211 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLint* VR3Mesh::m_smgroups [private]

Array of smoothing groups numbers (m_tri_count GLints)

The original numbers are warped to match array indices (0,1,2,...).

Definition at line 214 of file VR3Mesh.h.

Smoothing Groups enabled flag.

Definition at line 209 of file VR3Mesh.h.

int VR3Mesh::m_subset_count [private]

Number of subsets in the mesh.

Definition at line 181 of file VR3Mesh.h.

Subsets for the current mesh.

Definition at line 179 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLint VR3Mesh::m_tex_coord_count [private]

Total number of texture vertices.

Definition at line 199 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLfloat* VR3Mesh::m_tex_coords [private]

The array of texture vertices (m_tex_coord_count*2 GLfloats)

Definition at line 201 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLint VR3Mesh::m_TF [private]

Object tessellation factor for displacement mapping (may be unused)

Definition at line 226 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLint VR3Mesh::m_tri_count [private]

Total number of triangles.

Definition at line 204 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLint* VR3Mesh::m_ver_indices [private]

The array of triangle vertex indices (m_tri_count*3 GLints)

Definition at line 206 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLint VR3Mesh::m_vertex_count [private]

Total number of vertices.

Definition at line 194 of file VR3Mesh.h.

GLfloat* VR3Mesh::m_vertices [private]

The array of vertices (m_vertex_count*3 GLfloats)

Definition at line 196 of file VR3Mesh.h.

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