Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

VR3Text Class Reference

Text string class. More...

#include <VR3Text.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Constructor, Destructor and Initialization
 VR3Text (const char *str, int resy=VR3TEXT_DEF_RESY, const char *fontname=VR3TEXT_DEF_FONT, unsigned int charset=VR3TEXT_DEF_CHARSET)
 Text object constructor.
 ~VR3Text ()
 Text object destructor.
Text String Management
void LoadText (const char *str)
 Loads new text in the VR3Text object.
void UseFont (int resy=VR3TEXT_DEF_RESY, const char *fontname=VR3TEXT_DEF_FONT, unsigned int charset=VR3TEXT_DEF_CHARSET, const char *str=0)
 Change the font used for text rendering.
Get and Set Functions
void GetColor (GLfloat *color)
 Gets the text color into the given vector.
void SetColor (GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b, GLfloat a=1.0f)
 Sets the text color using the given values.
void SetColor (const GLfloat *color)
 Sets the text color using the given vector.
void GetPivotPoint (GLfloat *vec)
 Gets the position of the pivot point.
void SetPivotPoint (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Sets the position of the pivot point.
void SetPivotPoint (const GLfloat *vec)
 Sets the position of the pivot point.
void GetPosition (GLfloat *p)
 Retrieves the position of the current object.
void SetPosition (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z=0.0f)
 Sets the object position.
void SetPosition (const GLfloat *point)
 Sets the object position.
void GetScale (GLfloat *s)
 Gets the object scale.
void SetScale (GLfloat scx, GLfloat scy)
 Sets the scaling factors.
void SetScale (const GLfloat *s)
 Sets the scaling factors.
void GetRotationMatrix (GLfloat *m)
 Retrieves the rotation matrix of the text object.
void SetRotationMatrix (const GLfloat *m)
 Sets the rotation matrix of the text object.
void Hide ()
 Hides the text object.
void UnHide ()
 Unhides the text object.
Transformation Functions
void SetRotation (GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Sets the rotation of the text around the specified axis.
void SetRotation (GLfloat angle, GLfloat *axis)
 Sets the rotation of the text around the specified axis.
void RotateLocal (GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Rotates the text around the specified axis (local coordinates)
void RotateLocal (GLfloat angle, GLfloat *axis)
 Rotates the text around the specified axis (local coordinates)
void RotateGlobal (GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Rotates the text around the specified axis (world coordinates)
void RotateGlobal (GLfloat angle, const GLfloat *axis)
 Rotates the text around the specified axis (parent or world coordinates)
void TranslateLocal (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z=0.0f)
 Moves the text along the main axes (local coordinates)
void TranslateLocal (const GLfloat *vec)
 Moves the text along the main axes (local coordinates)
void TranslateGlobal (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z=0.0f)
 Moves the text along the main axes (world coordinates)
void TranslateGlobal (const GLfloat *vec)
 Moves the object along the main axes (world coordinates)
Drawing Functions
void Draw3D (int flags=0)
 Draws the text object as a standard 3D object.
void Draw2D (int flags=0)
 Draws the text object as a 2D screen message.

Private Member Functions

 VR3Text (const VR3Text &)
 Disable default copy constructor.
VR3Textoperator= (const VR3Text &)
 Disable default assignment operator.
Font Preparation Function
void PrepareFont (int resy, const char *fontname, unsigned int charset)
 Creates a font and set it as active.
VAO and VBOs Preparation Function
void PrepareVAO ()
 Prepares the VAO for the background.

Private Attributes

std::string m_string
 Text string.
GLfloat m_color [4]
 Text color (default is opaque white)
GLfloat m_pos [3]
 Text string position (first character of the string, lower left corner)
GLfloat m_scale [2]
 Text scaling.
GLfloat m_rotation_matrix [16]
 Text rotation matrix.
GLfloat m_pivot [3]
 Current pivot point position for rotations.
bool m_ishidden
 Hidden flag.
GLuint m_VAO
 VAO associated with a character.
GLuint m_VBO
 VBO associated with the above VAO (vertex attributes)
HDC m_mdc
 Memory device context used for current font management.
HFONT m_font
 Currently active font for this text object.
std::string m_fontname
 Currently active font name.
unsigned int m_charset
 Currently active character set.
int m_border [4]
 Minimum and maximum pixel coordinates in the character cell.
int m_maxsize
 Size of the character texture in pixels.
GLuint m_shader_program
 Shader program to be used to render the string.
const GLint * m_unilocs
 Pointer to the uniform location array defined for the program.
GLuint m_textures [256]
 Array the textures to use when drawing the text object.
GLfloat m_charspace [256]
 Array of displacement values to pass the shaders while drawing strings.

Detailed Description

Text string class.

This class represents a text string to be rendered in the OpenGL scene as text, together with other objects in the scene. We use the windows GDI+ API and therefore all VR3Text services are only available to windows users. This is not the only way to render text in the OpenGL scene, but is the preferred one since we take advantage of the hardware acceleration. In the current implementation, there is no unicode support and the only character codes that we are able to write go from 0 to 255 (the meaning depends on the character set).

Characters are drawn as textures on simple square meshes. By default, the square meshes have a width and height of 1.0 units (which may be scaled at will using the provided transformation functions). The glyph won't always be square-shaped, indeed we have that it will be fitted to the square using its maximum dimension (width or height). Using GDI+-provided information, we are able to draw the squares at the right distance in order to obtain proper text rendering.

A VR3Text string object may be rendered in two different ways (and this is the reason for the two different draw methods.

NOTE: Text string objects will never take part in the physical simulation, they are not considered ordinary objects in this case. The above also holds for shadow mapping: text strings will never work as casters or receivers in when a VR3ShadowController is active and working on the scene.

NOTE: Even when the color specified for the VR3Text object is a solid one (alpha component 1.0) transparency will always be an issue because rendered text will blend with what is behind it to allow character textures linear filtering. The drawing order considerations done for VR3Obj objects are again valid in this case. Parts of the character square that end up with an alpha value of 0.0 even after linear filtering will be considered as positioned on the far clipping plane for depth comparison purpose (this does not prevent the depth test artifacts above, but limit their effect as if the character texture was rendered on a fairly tight character-shaped polygon).

Definition at line 97 of file VR3Text.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VR3Text::VR3Text ( const VR3Text  ) [private]

Disable default copy constructor.

VR3Text::VR3Text ( const char *  str,
int  resy = VR3TEXT_DEF_RESY,
const char *  fontname = VR3TEXT_DEF_FONT,
unsigned int  charset = VR3TEXT_DEF_CHARSET 

Text object constructor.

This constructor is used to build a text object with the specified content, using the specified font name and the specified character set. The desired resolution (number of pixels) in the y direction is specified using the resy input parameter, this is only a target value and the effective resolution may be lower depending on the windows font availability. The resolution parameter does not affect the size of the final rendered text, only its quality.

[in]strThe text string
[in]resyThe desired number of pixels in the Y direction
[in]fontnameThe name of the font to use for rendering
[in]charsetThe selected character set
VR3Text::~VR3Text (  )

Text object destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void VR3Text::Draw2D ( int  flags = 0 )

Draws the text object as a 2D screen message.

Only the X and Y position and scaling are considered to render the text message on the screen. No depth test takes place in this case and the depth buffer is not altered as well.

[in]flagsDraw flags (currently ignored)
void VR3Text::Draw3D ( int  flags = 0 )

Draws the text object as a standard 3D object.

The text object is drawn at the specified position, with the specified scale and rotation. The position identifies the position in world space coordinates of the lower left corner of the first character in the string.

[in]flagsDraw flags (currently ignored)
void VR3Text::GetColor ( GLfloat *  color )

Gets the text color into the given vector.

[out]colorThe text color
void VR3Text::GetPivotPoint ( GLfloat *  vec )

Gets the position of the pivot point.

Retrieves the pivot point position of the current object, i.e. the point in which the rotation axis is fixed. The coordinates are expressed in world coordinates.

[out]vecThe retrieved pivot point position (3 components)
void VR3Text::GetPosition ( GLfloat *  p )

Retrieves the position of the current object.

Returns the position of the text in world coordinates.

[out]pThe retrieved object position (3 components)
void VR3Text::GetRotationMatrix ( GLfloat *  m )

Retrieves the rotation matrix of the text object.

Returns the current orientation of the object as a 16-elements array, notice that this orientation matrix is relative to the world coordinates. The matrix is a column-major order.

[out]mThe rotation matrix (16 components)
void VR3Text::GetScale ( GLfloat *  s )

Gets the object scale.

Returns the current scaling of the object as a 2-components vector (the z axis is not considered because text has no depth).

[out]sThe retrieved scaling vector (2 components)
void VR3Text::Hide (  ) [inline]

Hides the text object.

This method forces the text rendering to take no action, the text will not be visible no matter what.

Definition at line 368 of file VR3Text.h.

void VR3Text::LoadText ( const char *  str )

Loads new text in the VR3Text object.

This function is used to change the string content of the VR3Text object. It will not change the font used and is the function to be used when updating the string text. We have to make sure that all needed textures (for the user characters) are already loaded in the texture array. Old textures not needed anymore are deleted from the array (corresponding to character in the old string but not in the new one).

[in]strThe new string text
VR3Text& VR3Text::operator= ( const VR3Text  ) [private]

Disable default assignment operator.

void VR3Text::PrepareFont ( int  resy,
const char *  fontname,
unsigned int  charset 
) [private]

Creates a font and set it as active.

This function is used to create a font depending on the user specified parameters, the created font is then set as active on the memory device context m_mdc.

[in]resyThe desired number of pixels in the Y direction
[in]fontnameThe name of the desired font
[in]charsetThe selected character set
void VR3Text::PrepareVAO (  ) [private]

Prepares the VAO for the background.

The VAO to be used to draw the string will always include a vertex position VBO and a texture coordinate VBO. This function is used to prepare the VAO with the two required VBOs and send the data to the GL.

void VR3Text::RotateGlobal ( GLfloat  angle,
const GLfloat *  axis 
) [inline]

Rotates the text around the specified axis (parent or world coordinates)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]angleThe rotation angle
[in]axisThe rotation axis (3 components)

Definition at line 442 of file VR3Text.h.

void VR3Text::RotateGlobal ( GLfloat  angle,
GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Rotates the text around the specified axis (world coordinates)

Rotates the text object of angle degrees around the axis defined by (x,y,z) running through the pivot point. The axis is expressed in global world coordinates. The default pivot point is the origin of the string. The specified rotation is added to previous rotations, allowing the composition of subsequent rotations.

[in]angleThe rotation angle
[in]x,y,zThe rotation axis components
void VR3Text::RotateLocal ( GLfloat  angle,
GLfloat *  axis 
) [inline]

Rotates the text around the specified axis (local coordinates)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]angleThe rotation angle
[in]axisThe rotation axis (3 components)

Definition at line 421 of file VR3Text.h.

void VR3Text::RotateLocal ( GLfloat  angle,
GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Rotates the text around the specified axis (local coordinates)

Rotates the current text of angle degrees around the axis defined by (x,y,z) running through the pivot point. The axis is expressed in the current object local coordinates. The default pivot point is the origin of the object's local reference frame. The specified rotation is added to previous rotations, allowing the composition of subsequent rotations.

[in]angleThe rotation angle
[in]x,y,zThe rotation axis components
void VR3Text::SetColor ( const GLfloat *  color )

Sets the text color using the given vector.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]colorThe new text color (4 components)
void VR3Text::SetColor ( GLfloat  r,
GLfloat  g,
GLfloat  b,
GLfloat  a = 1.0f 

Sets the text color using the given values.

[in]r,g,b,aThe components of the new text color
void VR3Text::SetPivotPoint ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Sets the position of the pivot point.

Sets the pivot point of the current text string, i.e. the point in which the rotation axis is fixed. By default the pivot point coincides with the origin of the string. Changing the pivot point position allows the object to rotate around an axis different from the default one The coordinates are expressed in the parent's reference frame. If the object has no parent, the pivot point position is expressed in world coordinates.

[in]x,y,zThe pivot point position coordinates
void VR3Text::SetPivotPoint ( const GLfloat *  vec )

Sets the position of the pivot point.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]vecThe pivot point position (3 components)
void VR3Text::SetPosition ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z = 0.0f 

Sets the object position.

Sets the position of the current object. The coordinates are expressed in world coordinates. The default value for z will be particularly useful when dealing with 2D rendered text strings.

[in]x,y,zThe coordinates of the new object position
void VR3Text::SetPosition ( const GLfloat *  point )

Sets the object position.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]pointThe new object position (3 components)
void VR3Text::SetRotation ( GLfloat  angle,
GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Sets the rotation of the text around the specified axis.

Rotates the text object of angle degrees around the axis defined by (x,y,z) running through the pivot point. The default pivot point is the origin of the text string (lower left corner). The specified rotation overwrites previous rotations (the rotation matrix is recalculated).

[in]angleThe rotation angle
[in]x,y,zThe rotation axis components
void VR3Text::SetRotation ( GLfloat  angle,
GLfloat *  axis 
) [inline]

Sets the rotation of the text around the specified axis.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]angleThe rotation angle
[in]axisThe rotation axis (3 components)

Definition at line 400 of file VR3Text.h.

void VR3Text::SetRotationMatrix ( const GLfloat *  m )

Sets the rotation matrix of the text object.

Sets the rotation matrix of the text, forcing this way the orientation of the object with reference to the world.

[in]mThe new rotation matrix (16 components, column-major order)
void VR3Text::SetScale ( GLfloat  scx,
GLfloat  scy 

Sets the scaling factors.

Sets the scaling factors along the main axes. The scaling can be not-uniform specifying different factors, or uniform if the same factor is specified once for the 2 axes (x and y).

[in]scx,scyThe scaling factors
void VR3Text::SetScale ( const GLfloat *  s )

Sets the scaling factors.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]sThe new text scale (2 components)
void VR3Text::TranslateGlobal ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z = 0.0f 

Moves the text along the main axes (world coordinates)

Moves the text along the main axes of the specified amount, starting from its current position. The default value for z will be particularly useful when dealing with 2D rendered text strings.

[in]x,y,zTranslation vector components
void VR3Text::TranslateGlobal ( const GLfloat *  vec ) [inline]

Moves the object along the main axes (world coordinates)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]vecTranslation vector (3 components)

Definition at line 476 of file VR3Text.h.

void VR3Text::TranslateLocal ( const GLfloat *  vec ) [inline]

Moves the text along the main axes (local coordinates)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]vecTranslation vector (3 components)

Definition at line 459 of file VR3Text.h.

void VR3Text::TranslateLocal ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z = 0.0f 

Moves the text along the main axes (local coordinates)

Moves the text in its own reference system of the specified amount, starting from its current position. The default value for z will be particularly useful when dealing with 2D rendered text strings.

[in]x,y,zTranslation vector components
void VR3Text::UnHide (  ) [inline]

Unhides the text object.

This method renders the object visible again, its children will be hidden or not depending on their private visibility status.

Definition at line 374 of file VR3Text.h.

void VR3Text::UseFont ( int  resy = VR3TEXT_DEF_RESY,
const char *  fontname = VR3TEXT_DEF_FONT,
unsigned int  charset = VR3TEXT_DEF_CHARSET,
const char *  str = 0 

Change the font used for text rendering.

This function is used to change the font used for text rendering, the optional parameter str allows to change also the text content of the VR3Text object. When this function is called, the textures already created for the used letters are deleted and new textures are created using the new font. To avoid creating useless textures, a new string content may be specified using the second parameter. If no parameters are provided, default initial font and character set settings restored.

[in]resyThe desired number of pixels in the Y direction
[in]fontnameThe new font name
[in]charsetThe selected character set
[in]strThe new VR3Text string content (if not 0)

Member Data Documentation

int VR3Text::m_border[4] [private]

Minimum and maximum pixel coordinates in the character cell.

Definition at line 129 of file VR3Text.h.

unsigned int VR3Text::m_charset [private]

Currently active character set.

Definition at line 127 of file VR3Text.h.

GLfloat VR3Text::m_charspace[256] [private]

Array of displacement values to pass the shaders while drawing strings.

Each character will be drawn in a certain position depending on the previous ones.

Definition at line 143 of file VR3Text.h.

GLfloat VR3Text::m_color[4] [private]

Text color (default is opaque white)

Definition at line 102 of file VR3Text.h.

HFONT VR3Text::m_font [private]

Currently active font for this text object.

Definition at line 123 of file VR3Text.h.

std::string VR3Text::m_fontname [private]

Currently active font name.

Definition at line 125 of file VR3Text.h.

bool VR3Text::m_ishidden [private]

Hidden flag.

Definition at line 113 of file VR3Text.h.

int VR3Text::m_maxsize [private]

Size of the character texture in pixels.

Definition at line 131 of file VR3Text.h.

HDC VR3Text::m_mdc [private]

Memory device context used for current font management.

Definition at line 121 of file VR3Text.h.

GLfloat VR3Text::m_pivot[3] [private]

Current pivot point position for rotations.

Definition at line 110 of file VR3Text.h.

GLfloat VR3Text::m_pos[3] [private]

Text string position (first character of the string, lower left corner)

Definition at line 104 of file VR3Text.h.

GLfloat VR3Text::m_rotation_matrix[16] [private]

Text rotation matrix.

Definition at line 108 of file VR3Text.h.

GLfloat VR3Text::m_scale[2] [private]

Text scaling.

Definition at line 106 of file VR3Text.h.

GLuint VR3Text::m_shader_program [private]

Shader program to be used to render the string.

Definition at line 134 of file VR3Text.h.

std::string VR3Text::m_string [private]

Text string.

Definition at line 100 of file VR3Text.h.

GLuint VR3Text::m_textures[256] [private]

Array the textures to use when drawing the text object.

Definition at line 139 of file VR3Text.h.

const GLint* VR3Text::m_unilocs [private]

Pointer to the uniform location array defined for the program.

Definition at line 136 of file VR3Text.h.

GLuint VR3Text::m_VAO [private]

VAO associated with a character.

Definition at line 116 of file VR3Text.h.

GLuint VR3Text::m_VBO [private]

VBO associated with the above VAO (vertex attributes)

Definition at line 118 of file VR3Text.h.

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