Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

VR3Camera Class Reference

The camera class. More...

#include <VR3Camera.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 VR3Camera ()
 VR3Camera constructor.
General Functions
GLfloat GetFovY ()
 Gets the field of view value.
void SetFovY (GLfloat fov)
 Sets the field of view value.
GLfloat GetZNear ()
 Gets the near clipping plane distance.
void SetZNear (GLfloat znear)
 Sets the near clipping plane distance.
GLfloat GetZFar ()
 Gets the far clipping plane distance.
void SetZFar (GLfloat zfar)
 Sets the far clipping plane distance.
void GetPosition (GLfloat *p)
 Gets the camera position through the p out parameter.
const GLfloat * GetPosition ()
 Gets the camera position as a float vector.
void SetPosition (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Sets the camera position using the given coordinates.
void SetPosition (const GLfloat *point)
 Sets the camera position using the given vector.
const GLfloat * GetUpVector ()
 Gets the current up vector.
void SetUpVector (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Sets the current up vector using the given vector coordinates.
void SetUpVector (const GLfloat *up)
 Sets the up vector using the given up vector.
void GetXAxis (GLfloat *a)
 Gets the first row of the rotation matrix (rotation components only)
void GetYAxis (GLfloat *a)
 Gets the second row of the rotation matrix (rotation components only)
void GetZAxis (GLfloat *a)
 Gets the third row of the rotation matrix (rotation components only)
void GetDirection (GLfloat *v)
 Gets the camera direction.
int GetMode ()
 Gets the camera current mode.
Free Camera Functions
void Free ()
 Sets the current camera mode to VR_FREE.
void SetDirection (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Sets the camera direction using the given vector components.
void SetDirection (const GLfloat *dir)
 Sets the camera direction using the given vector.
void RotateGlobal (GLfloat ang, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Rotates the camera along the specified axis in global (world) coordinates.
void RotateGlobal (GLfloat a, const GLfloat *d)
 Rotates the camera along the specified axis in global (world) coordinates.
void RotateLocal (GLfloat ang, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Rotates the camera along the specified axis in local (eye) coordinates.
void RotateLocal (GLfloat a, const GLfloat *d)
 Rotates the camera along the specified axis in local (eye) coordinates.
Targeted Camera Functions
void LookAt ()
 Sets the current camera mode to VR3CAM_LOOKAT.
const GLfloat * GetTarget ()
 Gets the current target.
void SetTarget (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Sets the current target using its position (world coordinates)
void SetTarget (const GLfloat *t)
 Sets the current target using its position vector (world coordinates)
Matrix Extraction
void GetViewMatrix (GLfloat *m)
 Gets the resulting modelview matrix.

Private Member Functions

 VR3Camera (const VR3Camera &)
 Disable default copy constructor.
VR3Cameraoperator= (const VR3Camera &)
 Disable default assignment operator.
Utility Functions
void CheckTarget ()
 Checks if the target is valid.
void CheckUpVector ()
 Checks if the up vector.

Private Attributes

GLfloat m_fovy
 Field of view angle, in degrees, in the y direction.
GLfloat m_near
 Distance from the viewer to the near clipping plane (always positive).
GLfloat m_far
 Distance from the viewer to the far clipping plane (always positive).
GLfloat m_pos [3]
 Camera position.
GLfloat m_up [3]
 Camera up vector.
int m_mode
 Camera mode (VR3CAM_FREE or VR3CAM_LOOKAT).
union {
   GLfloat   m_target [3]
 Camera target point.
   GLfloat   m_direction [3]
 Camera direction vector.

Detailed Description

The camera class.

This class allows to manage the camera (i.e. the viewpoint) and its properties. The camera setup affects how the frame image of the scene is produced. The available methods allow to position and rotate the camera, to fix a specific target or orientation. We now explain the behaviour in the two possible camera modes.

At rendering time, depending on the camera mode, different parameters are extracted from this class to compute the modelview matrix:

Definition at line 50 of file VR3Camera.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VR3Camera::VR3Camera ( const VR3Camera  ) [private]

Disable default copy constructor.

VR3Camera::VR3Camera (  )

VR3Camera constructor.

This constructor merely initializes all member variables with their default values.

Member Function Documentation

void VR3Camera::CheckTarget (  ) [private]

Checks if the target is valid.

This function checks if the target position equals the camera position. In that case the target position is slightly altered. This condition is dangerous when we try to set the matrix pointing to the specified target whose location is the same as the camera location (a division by zero is generated).

void VR3Camera::CheckUpVector (  ) [private]

Checks if the up vector.

This function checks if the up vector is valid with reference to the current camera direction (both targeted or free). If the up vector is parallel to the camera direction, a division by zero is generated when computing the camera transformation matrix. To avoid this situation, when the two vector are parallel, the target position is slightly altered.

void VR3Camera::Free (  )

Sets the current camera mode to VR_FREE.

Frees the camera from the current target. After calling this method the camera will point in the last direction used, corresponding to the line connecting the last camera position to the last camera target.

void VR3Camera::GetDirection ( GLfloat *  v )

Gets the camera direction.

Retrieves the current direction vector of the camera. The default direction vector is [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]. The direction may change because of calls to SetTarget, SetDirection, RotateLocal, RotateGlobal.

[out]vThe camera direction vector
GLfloat VR3Camera::GetFovY (  ) [inline]

Gets the field of view value.

Retrieves the angle in the vertical direction of the viewing frustum. The horizontal field of view is computed from the vertical one taking the aspect ratio of the current viewport into account.

The vertical field of view

Definition at line 130 of file VR3Camera.h.

int VR3Camera::GetMode (  ) [inline]

Gets the camera current mode.

Gets the current camera mode (either VR3CAM_FREE or VR3CAM_LOOKAT).

The camera mode

Definition at line 261 of file VR3Camera.h.

void VR3Camera::GetPosition ( GLfloat *  p )

Gets the camera position through the p out parameter.

Retrieves the current world space position of the camera.

[out]pThe camera position (world coordinates)
const GLfloat* VR3Camera::GetPosition (  ) [inline]

Gets the camera position as a float vector.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

The camera position (world coordinates)

Definition at line 180 of file VR3Camera.h.

const GLfloat* VR3Camera::GetTarget (  )

Gets the current target.

Retrieves the position of the current target of the active camera. The target must have been previously set by calling SetTarget.

The target position
const GLfloat* VR3Camera::GetUpVector (  ) [inline]

Gets the current up vector.

Retrieves the current up vector of the camera. The up vector is used by targeted cameras, or when the camera direction is set, as in both cases there is an ambiguity about how the camera should be rotated with respect to the target. The default up vector is [0.0, 1.0, 0.0].

up vector

Definition at line 203 of file VR3Camera.h.

void VR3Camera::GetViewMatrix ( GLfloat *  m )

Gets the resulting modelview matrix.

Retrieves the current view matrix of the camera. Please note that this matrix is a 4 by 4 matrix whose translation part is in general not empty. It's worth pointing out that this matrix represents the rototranslation of the world with respect to the camera and not the rototranslation of the camera object with respect to the world; the latter matrix can be obtained by inverting this one. Moreover, please note that elements 12, 13 and 14 do not represent the camera position in world space. Use GetPosition() instead.

[out]mThe 4x4 rototranslation matrix of the current camera
void VR3Camera::GetXAxis ( GLfloat *  a )

Gets the first row of the rotation matrix (rotation components only)

Retrieves a vector representing the X axis of the current camera reference system in world space.

[out]aRetrieved axis
void VR3Camera::GetYAxis ( GLfloat *  a )

Gets the second row of the rotation matrix (rotation components only)

Retrieves a vector representing the Y axis of the current camera reference system in world space.

[out]aRetrieved axis
void VR3Camera::GetZAxis ( GLfloat *  a )

Gets the third row of the rotation matrix (rotation components only)

Retrieves a vector representing the Z axis of the current camera reference system in world space.

[out]aRetrieved axis
GLfloat VR3Camera::GetZFar (  ) [inline]

Gets the far clipping plane distance.

Retrieves the distance from the bottom plane of the viewing frustum.

The distance from the far plane

Definition at line 160 of file VR3Camera.h.

GLfloat VR3Camera::GetZNear (  ) [inline]

Gets the near clipping plane distance.

Retrieves the distance from the top plane of the viewing frustum.

The distance from the near plane

Definition at line 146 of file VR3Camera.h.

void VR3Camera::LookAt (  )

Sets the current camera mode to VR3CAM_LOOKAT.

Targets the camera to a target derived from the current direction, note that the target should be set after this call.

VR3Camera& VR3Camera::operator= ( const VR3Camera  ) [private]

Disable default assignment operator.

void VR3Camera::RotateGlobal ( GLfloat  ang,
GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Rotates the camera along the specified axis in global (world) coordinates.

Rotates the active camera of ang degrees around the axis defined by (x,y,z). Please note that the axis is specified in global coordinates, i.e. in world space. The specified rotation is added to previous rotations, allowing the composition of subsequent rotations.

[in]angThe rotation angle in degrees
[in]x,y,zThe components of the rotation axis
void VR3Camera::RotateGlobal ( GLfloat  a,
const GLfloat *  d 
) [inline]

Rotates the camera along the specified axis in global (world) coordinates.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]aThe rotation angle in degrees
[in]dThe rotation axis

Definition at line 307 of file VR3Camera.h.

void VR3Camera::RotateLocal ( GLfloat  ang,
GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Rotates the camera along the specified axis in local (eye) coordinates.

Rotates the active camera of ang degrees around the axis defined by (x,y,z). Please note that the axis is specified in local coordinates, i.e. in eye space. The specified rotation is added to previous rotations, allowing the composition of subsequent rotations.

[in]angThe rotation angle in degrees
[in]x,y,zThe components of the rotation axis
void VR3Camera::RotateLocal ( GLfloat  a,
const GLfloat *  d 
) [inline]

Rotates the camera along the specified axis in local (eye) coordinates.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]aThe rotation angle in degrees
[in]dThe rotation axis

Definition at line 325 of file VR3Camera.h.

void VR3Camera::SetDirection ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Sets the camera direction using the given vector components.

Sets the new world space camera direction. It also frees the camera if it is targeted.

[in]x,y,zThe components of the direction vector
void VR3Camera::SetDirection ( const GLfloat *  dir )

Sets the camera direction using the given vector.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]dirThe direction vector
void VR3Camera::SetFovY ( GLfloat  fov ) [inline]

Sets the field of view value.

Sets the angle in the vertical direction of the viewing frustum. The horizontal field of view is computed from the vertical one taking the aspect ratio of the current viewport into account.

[in]fovVertical field of view

Definition at line 139 of file VR3Camera.h.

void VR3Camera::SetPosition ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Sets the camera position using the given coordinates.

Sets the new world space position for the camera.

[in]x,y,zThe components of the new camera position
void VR3Camera::SetPosition ( const GLfloat *  point )

Sets the camera position using the given vector.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]pointThe new camera position
void VR3Camera::SetTarget ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Sets the current target using its position (world coordinates)

Specifies a target point for the camera. This means that, no matter its position, the camera always points towards the target until the Free() method is called. The camera is freed also if the direction is explicitly changed.

[in]x,y,zThe target coordinates
void VR3Camera::SetTarget ( const GLfloat *  t )

Sets the current target using its position vector (world coordinates)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]tThe target position vector
void VR3Camera::SetUpVector ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLfloat  z 

Sets the current up vector using the given vector coordinates.

Specifies a new up vector of the camera. The up vector is used by targeted cameras, or when the camera direction is set, as in both cases there is an ambiguity about how the camera should be rotated with respect to the target or direction. The default up vector is [0.0, 1.0, 0.0].

[in]x,y,zThe up vector components
void VR3Camera::SetUpVector ( const GLfloat *  up )

Sets the up vector using the given up vector.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]upThe up vector
void VR3Camera::SetZFar ( GLfloat  zfar ) [inline]

Sets the far clipping plane distance.

Sets the distance from the bottom plane of the viewing frustum.

[in]zfarDistance from the far plane

Definition at line 167 of file VR3Camera.h.

void VR3Camera::SetZNear ( GLfloat  znear ) [inline]

Sets the near clipping plane distance.

Sets the distance from the top plane of the viewing frustum.

[in]znearDistance from the near plane

Definition at line 153 of file VR3Camera.h.

Member Data Documentation

Camera direction vector.

Definition at line 69 of file VR3Camera.h.

GLfloat VR3Camera::m_far [private]

Distance from the viewer to the far clipping plane (always positive).

Definition at line 57 of file VR3Camera.h.

GLfloat VR3Camera::m_fovy [private]

Field of view angle, in degrees, in the y direction.

Definition at line 53 of file VR3Camera.h.

int VR3Camera::m_mode [private]

Camera mode (VR3CAM_FREE or VR3CAM_LOOKAT).

Definition at line 63 of file VR3Camera.h.

GLfloat VR3Camera::m_near [private]

Distance from the viewer to the near clipping plane (always positive).

Definition at line 55 of file VR3Camera.h.

union { ... } VR3Camera::m_param [private]
GLfloat VR3Camera::m_pos[3] [private]

Camera position.

Definition at line 59 of file VR3Camera.h.

GLfloat VR3Camera::m_target[3]

Camera target point.

Definition at line 67 of file VR3Camera.h.

GLfloat VR3Camera::m_up[3] [private]

Camera up vector.

Definition at line 61 of file VR3Camera.h.

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