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include/VR3Math.h File Reference

Math functions utility header file. More...

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namespace  VR3Math

Math functions namespace.


#define VR3MATH_MAX2(A, B)   ((A)>(B))?(A):(B)
 Utility macro extracting the maximum between 2 values.
#define VR3MATH_MIN2(A, B)   ((A)<(B))?(A):(B)
 Utility macro extracting the minimum between 2 values.
#define VR3MATH_MAX3(A, B, C)   ((A)>(B))?((A)>(C)?(A):(C)):((B)>(C)?(B):(C))
 Utility macro extracting the maximum among 3 values.
#define VR3MATH_MIN3(A, B, C)   ((A)<(B))?((A)<(C)?(A):(C)):((B)<(C)?(B):(C))
 Utility macro extracting the minimnum among 3 values.
#define VR3MATH_PI   3.14159265f
 PI GLfloat value.


3-Components Vectors
GLvoid VR3Math::Cross3 (GLfloat result[3], const GLfloat vector0[3], const GLfloat vector1[3])
 Computes the cross product of two 3-components vectors.
GLfloat VR3Math::Dot3 (const GLfloat vector0[3], const GLfloat vector1[3])
 Computes the dot product of two 3-components vectors.
GLfloat VR3Math::EuclideanNorm3 (const GLfloat vector[3])
 Computes the euclidean norm of a 3-components vector.
GLfloat VR3Math::EuclideanNorm3 (const GLfloat x, const GLfloat y, const GLfloat z)
 Computes the euclidean norm of a 3-components vector.
GLvoid VR3Math::Normalize3 (GLfloat vector[3])
 Normalizes a 3-components vector.
4x4 Matrices
GLfloat VR3Math::Determinant4x4 (const GLfloat m[16])
 Computes the determinant of a 4x4 matrix.
GLboolean VR3Math::InvertMatrix4x4 (GLfloat result[16], const GLfloat m[16])
 Inverts a 4x4 matrix.
GLvoid VR3Math::MultMatrix4x4 (GLfloat matrix[16], const GLfloat matrix0[16], const GLfloat matrix1[16])
 Multiplies two 4x4 matrices.
GLvoid VR3Math::LoadIdentity4x4 (GLfloat matrix[16])
 Loads an identity 4x4 matrix.
GLvoid VR3Math::Rotate4x4 (GLfloat matrix[16], GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Combines a rototranslation matrix with a new rotation obtained using and angle and an axis.
GLvoid VR3Math::RotateAngles4x4 (GLfloat matrix[16], GLfloat ax, GLfloat ay, GLfloat az)
 Combines a rototranslation matrix with a new rotation obtained using three angles.
GLvoid VR3Math::Translate4x4 (GLfloat matrix[16], GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Combines a rototranslation matrix with a new translation matrix.
GLvoid VR3Math::Scale4x4 (GLfloat matrix[16], GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
 Combines a rototranslation matrix with a new scale matrix.
GLvoid VR3Math::LookAt4x4 (GLfloat result[16], GLfloat eyeX, GLfloat eyeY, GLfloat eyeZ, GLfloat centerX, GLfloat centerY, GLfloat centerZ, GLfloat upX, GLfloat upY, GLfloat upZ)
 Initializes a rototranslation matrix to look at a specified point.
GLvoid VR3Math::Ortho4x4 (GLfloat result[16], GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat nearVal, GLfloat farVal)
 Sets up an orthogonal projection matrix.
GLvoid VR3Math::Perspective4x4 (GLfloat result[16], GLfloat fovy, GLfloat aspect, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar)
 Sets up a perspective projection matrix.
GLvoid VR3Math::Frustum4x4 (GLfloat result[16], GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat nearVal, GLfloat farVal)
 Prepare perspective matrix that produces a perspective projection.
Matrices and vectors
GLvoid VR3Math::MultMat4x4Vector3 (GLfloat result[3], const GLfloat matrix[16], const GLfloat vector[3])
 Multiplies a transformation matrix to a 3-components vector.
GLvoid VR3Math::MultMat4x4Vector4 (GLfloat result[4], const GLfloat matrix[16], const GLfloat vector[4])
 Multiplies a transformation matrix to a 4-components vector.
void VR3Math::TriangleNormal (const GLfloat *vertex1, const GLfloat *vertex2, const GLfloat *vertex3, GLfloat *normal)
 Computes the normal vector for a given triangle.

Detailed Description

Math functions utility header file.

Daniele Giannetti
August 2010

This header file declares some utility functions to work with vectors and matrices.

Definition in file VR3Math.h.

Define Documentation

#define VR3MATH_MAX2 (   A,
)    ((A)>(B))?(A):(B)

Utility macro extracting the maximum between 2 values.

Definition at line 25 of file VR3Math.h.

#define VR3MATH_MAX3 (   A,
)    ((A)>(B))?((A)>(C)?(A):(C)):((B)>(C)?(B):(C))

Utility macro extracting the maximum among 3 values.

Definition at line 29 of file VR3Math.h.

#define VR3MATH_MIN2 (   A,
)    ((A)<(B))?(A):(B)

Utility macro extracting the minimum between 2 values.

Definition at line 27 of file VR3Math.h.

#define VR3MATH_MIN3 (   A,
)    ((A)<(B))?((A)<(C)?(A):(C)):((B)<(C)?(B):(C))

Utility macro extracting the minimnum among 3 values.

Definition at line 31 of file VR3Math.h.

#define VR3MATH_PI   3.14159265f

PI GLfloat value.

Definition at line 34 of file VR3Math.h.

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