
VR3Notifier Namespace Reference

Notification and error functions namespace. More...


void NotifyError (int entnum, int errnum)
 Notifies an error to the user and terminate the application.
void NotifyError (int entnum, const char *string)
 Notifies an error to the user and terminate the application.
void NotifyWarning (int entnum, int warnum)
 Notifies a warning to the user.
void NotifyWarning (int entnum, const char *string)
 Notifies a warning to the user.
void Verbose (bool verbose)
 Enables or disables the verbose mode.

Detailed Description

Notification and error functions namespace.

Function Documentation

void VR3Notifier::NotifyError ( int  entnum,
int  errnum 

Notifies an error to the user and terminate the application.

Depending on the platform, this function prints a message to the standard output or shows a window stating the error message. Then, process termination is forced.

[in]entnumID (number) of the entity notifying the error
[in]errnumnumber of the error notified
void VR3Notifier::NotifyError ( int  entnum,
const char *  string 

Notifies an error to the user and terminate the application.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]entnumID (number) of the entity notifying the error
[in]stringText to present the user
void VR3Notifier::NotifyWarning ( int  entnum,
const char *  string 

Notifies a warning to the user.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

[in]entnumID (number) of the entity notifying the warning
[in]stringText to present the user
void VR3Notifier::NotifyWarning ( int  entnum,
int  warnum 

Notifies a warning to the user.

Depending on the platform, this function prints a message to the standard output or shows a windows stating the warning message.

[in]entnumID (number) of the entity notifying the warning
[in]warnumnumber of the warning notified
void VR3Notifier::Verbose ( bool  verbose )

Enables or disables the verbose mode.

Warning messages may be hidden using this function to disable the verbose mode. Verbose mode is active by default and warning messages will always be presented by default. Errors cannot be hidden and will always force process termination.

[in]verbosetrue to enable warning messages, false to disable them
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