VR3Obj Member List

This is the complete list of members for VR3Obj, including all inherited members.
AddChild(VR3Obj *c, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)VR3Obj
AddChild(VR3Obj *c)VR3Obj
Draw(const GLfloat *modelmat, int flags)VR3Obj [private]
Draw(int flags=0)VR3Obj
GetMesh(int lod=0)VR3Obj
GetParent()VR3Obj [inline]
GetPivotPoint(GLfloat *vec)VR3Obj
GetPosition(GLfloat *p)VR3Obj
GetRotationMatrix(GLfloat *m)VR3Obj
GetScale(GLfloat *s)VR3Obj
Hide()VR3Obj [inline]
Init()VR3Obj [private]
IsRoot()VR3Obj [inline]
LinkToMesh(VR3Mesh *m, GLfloat dist=0.0f)VR3Obj
LocalToWorld(const GLfloat *inpoint, GLfloat *outpoint)VR3Obj
m_childrenVR3Obj [private]
m_ishiddenVR3Obj [private]
m_lod_activationsVR3Obj [private]
m_lod_countVR3Obj [private]
m_meshesVR3Obj [private]
m_parentVR3Obj [private]
m_pivotVR3Obj [private]
m_posVR3Obj [private]
m_rotation_matrixVR3Obj [private]
m_scaleVR3Obj [private]
Normalize(GLfloat size)VR3Obj
operator=(const VR3Obj &)VR3Obj [private]
PointInBBox(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)VR3Obj
PointInBBox(const GLfloat *p)VR3Obj [inline]
RemoveChild(VR3Obj *c)VR3Obj
RotateGlobal(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)VR3Obj
RotateGlobal(GLfloat angle, const GLfloat *axis)VR3Obj [inline]
RotateLocal(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)VR3Obj
RotateLocal(GLfloat angle, GLfloat *axis)VR3Obj [inline]
SetPivotPoint(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)VR3Obj
SetPivotPoint(const GLfloat *vec)VR3Obj
SetPosition(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)VR3Obj
SetPosition(const GLfloat *point)VR3Obj
SetRotation(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)VR3Obj
SetRotation(GLfloat angle, GLfloat *axis)VR3Obj [inline]
SetRotationMatrix(const GLfloat *m)VR3Obj
SetScale(GLfloat scx, GLfloat scy, GLfloat scz)VR3Obj
SetScale(const GLfloat *s)VR3Obj
TotModelMatrix(GLfloat *modelmat) const VR3Obj [private]
TranslateGlobal(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)VR3Obj
TranslateGlobal(const GLfloat *vec)VR3Obj [inline]
TranslateLocal(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)VR3Obj
TranslateLocal(const GLfloat *vec)VR3Obj [inline]
UnHide()VR3Obj [inline]
VR3Obj(const VR3Obj &)VR3Obj [private]
VR3Obj(const char *mesh_file, GLfloat x=0.0f, GLfloat y=0.0f, GLfloat z=0.0f, const char *mesh_name=0, int objID=-1)VR3Obj
VR3Obj(VR3Mesh *mesh)VR3Obj
VR3PhysicsSimulator classVR3Obj [friend]
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